Sunday, March 16, 2008

Free Stuff

Car and i have a little overstock in our collection. For one, there are the overlapping albums that each of had as we came into our marriage. There are also the old versions of the albums that I have replaced with deluxe versions. Some of them have already moved on, but some are still hanging around. Thus, we have some music that I would love to send out into the world to places where it will be listened to. If you are seriously interested in any of these items, just let me know and I'll pass them on.

Whiskeytown - Stranger's Almanac. This is one of my all time favorite albums. It documents the early stages of Ryan Adams' carrier. In short, it is a great alt. country album.

The Cure - The Head On The Door. The Cure circa 1985. It includes Inbetween Days, A Night Like This, and Close To Me. It's a good mix of their pop and dark capabilities.

The Glove - Blue Sunshine. A side project of Robert Smith and Steve Severin. If you like early Siouxsie stuff, this is not too far off. The woman that they enlisted to sing sounds a lot like she wants to be Siouxsie.

Portishead - Portishead. Trip hop masters!!! Chill, cool, and sexy.

Moby - Play. Whether you think you know Moby or not, unless you have lived under a rock, you are familiar with at least holf of the tunes on this album. It is his best post-rave effort.

Lords of Acid - Voodoo You. Hard rockin' techno with x-rated lyrics. Loud and silly, but not for the faint of heart.

There are some other cds that we are done with. I'll post them later.

Keep listening.


Anonymous said...

I'll take the Whiskeytown and Portishead. Oh, wait a minute...

Anonymous said...

OK, now that I've read the subsequent blog, I need to hear Whiskeytown.