Saturday, February 14, 2009

Countdown to The Cardinals

My man is finally coming through Connecticut! As Ryan Adams reaches the point that he recognizes the nutmeg state as a viable tour stop, he announces that he is walking away from music and getting married to Mandy Moore. Mandy Moore?

So I am trying to work through his catalogue over the course of the week leading up to Friday's show. Even without the Whiskeytown, Patty Duke Syndrome, The Finger, Freightwailer, and all of the goofy internet alter ego stuff, I am up for quite a task. He has 10 official studio albums, a few eps and an album or two worth of b-sides from the last ten years. There are also at least five other albums that weren't officially released, but leaked. And then there are all of the songs that he wrote and played live, but never officially recorded and numerous covers. Also there are all of the live versions of songs that are so drastically different from the originals. If I were to listen nonstop, I might be looking at close to a 48 hour stretch, maybe even more.

I have been way into Mr. Adams ever since I discovered Whiskeytown in 1998. He has been profoundly prolific since then and has fed my interest with a steady flow of albums, bootlegs, media stunts, and various internet sites and blogs. He has been the voice of the broken hearted and the victim of one's own vices for over a decade and now having him claim to be walking away from music has been kind of a shock to my system. Any given day, there has been something new with this guy. Most of the time it has been for the better (flood of unreleased and live tracks that continue to fill my podcast folder), sometimes for the worse (the Jack White feud). Now the dude is sober, in love, and walking away from music. What am I going to do with all of that time I spent keeping up with Mr. Adams?

RA & The Cardinals -
On Letterman

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