Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Few Things

1. I guess that the Ear Candy attracts quite the interesting fan base. Who knew that stating my excitement for an upcoming show would warrant the solicitation of a prostitute. Thanks for the offer Miss Hatfield (wink wink, I guess the music thing has been a little slow for you lately), but I'm doing alright without having to pay hourly for that kind of entertainment. I paid for that sort of thing up front with a wedding ring and a promise of forever. And with the rates that you were asking, I apparently got quite a good deal.

2. As a result of the post made by Miss Hatfield, the settings for making comments at the Ear Candy have changed. I still welcome comments from those of you who know me and hope that this will not deter any of you from participating.

3. Despite my bout with the flu, I did make it to the Ryan Adams show. I felt like hell throughout the evening, but it was a great show. There is a great recording of the show here that you can listen to or download. They were very chatty and funny between songs and played a great set list that spanned most of Ryan's solo career. The Heartbreaker songs stole the show though. Check out "Come Pick Me Up", "Oh My Sweet Carolina", and "Bartering Lines." "La Cienega Just Smiled" was pretty boss as well.

4. I have totally bought into the hype for the new U2 album. I have never been so excited for a U2 album that I have yet to hear. I can't wait for Tuesday. That, and week straight appearing on Letterman? Cool!

5. I need to get my favorites list from last year together.

6. What happened to my focus on all things goth this month? I guess a start at it is better than nothing.

1 comment:

The Brown 4 said...

Well, you did manage to pick a cool new template for your blog...and it's the same one I picked for ours a mere 2 minutes before checking in on yours. Great minds! Do something, I don't remember what...
